Why should I care about my inner child?

To know yourself and live your life.

Almost all of us exist as our child self inside an adult body.

Do you remember that desire to grow up and no longer be defined by our parents and carers?

That desire to be ourselves?

What we didn't understand at the time was that we would take all our emotional imprinting with us and that our inner child would be driving our lives.

The needs of that child don't diminish with age. They get bigger, louder, more demanding.

And they have no interest in having a good relationship, or intimacy. They don't care about you as an adult. They are happy to sabotage your life.

Your innerchild is exhausted trying to run your life. They don't belong in the board room or the bedroom. If you have children you wouldn't take them with you to either of those places.

This ‘Innerchild magic’ course will gift you - 


a personal sense of wholeness


an improved relationship with yourself which will allow your other relationships to improve as well


an increased sense of self esteem that ripples into your work life


a place for joy, creativity and magic in your life

empower your inner playful child

 'Why inner child work? Sooo many reasons... 

Feel like you’re holding onto old stories / past trauma / recreating or reliving the past / have shame / unhealed old wounds / challenging relationships with parents or maybe your own kids, and so the list goes on. I highly recommend this  so contact Moira and do something amazing for yourself. ’ Cailin, Client


The only way to live, to heal, isn't by looking back over the past, it's being present, here now, with your Child Within beside you.

Now is 
your time

When your inner child is in charge of your life,

your relationships,

your friendships,

your career,

their cry is to have their needs met.

They do not care about 


success on the material plane,

anything really,

except having their needs met

and they will sabotage you over and over again.

Your innerchild, is your true self. 

Sometimes they are called your innerbeing, your inner self, the child within.

They are the part of you that understands how to live, 

where to go,

and how to grow as naturally

as a tree does.


The safety of self regulation

The first step on this path is  finding a place of safety, a place that feels good inside you,

a place from which you can go out into the world and always have a home


a body approach

Our cells hold our memories and our innerchild bypasses our thinking mind. They react.

This is why we will take a body based approach.



Free writing taps you into your subconscious allowing free expression. 

It does not give what the mind wants it to give. 

Writing reveals your truth and gives your inner child a voice.


Creating Art

When we create art we bypass the cortical brain and give expression to our truth. What we produce is often surprising and illuminating.

inner child magic

Are you ready to meet your own needs,

to start to feel whole?

client Love

“Moira helped me love myself first. She taught me how to assert my needs and set boundaries. After working with Moira, I am ready for a divine conscious partnership.”


—Private Client

"Working with Moira has been among the most transformative experiences of my life. Moira's coaching is a tender, kind, dizzy magic. I instinctively trust Moira with the most vulnerable parts of myself: my sexuality, gender identity, chronic illness.”


“I am grateful for your offerings, & for your deep work that is evident by your ability to hone in on the precise hidden shadow parts that had been waiting to be seen all along...my heart has the answers, you helped me to realize that my heart is actually ready to burst wide open and give birth to my ecstasy”


The benefits of working with Moira: she will encourage you to reflect on the influence your inner child exerts on your adult life, and enable you to give it its proper place; she will challenge you to find the right balance between mind and body;  she will encourage you to connect to the divinity within you and walk and love like a God.”


—Private Client

your Guide


I am playful and flirtatious by nature. I push the edges of what is in a gentle and supportive way.  Laughter is a fabulous salve to life.

I spent six years as an Early Years Practitioner guiding Parents and Carers to raise babies with self esteem. 

I worked in schools running after school French Club, and taught babies to swim - this was simply amazing.

I am about empowering YOU.

I am a published writer, an exhibited artist, a hedge witch and a Guide. I am mired in fairy tale and myth and legend and lean towards the Pagan/ Norse practices of my fore bearers.

As a Mother of four daughters, as a sister of five and an Aunt to seven nurturing dominates in my life. Nurturing the body, the spirit and the mind to be empowered.

In Human Design I am an Emotional Projector, a 6/2 and I live my design - following the energy of my body.

My deepest sweetness comes from seeing you.

with love, Moira

What can you expect?


Nervous system support

The Wise Adult within

Our inner family

Meeting the inner child

Feeling the feels

Rewriting the story

The magical child

Ready to fall in love with your inner child, your true Self?



for  payment plan please get in touch with me


What would I need to bring to the session?

Your beautiful self, a notebook, a pen,  paper, make up, sponges, brushes, wipes and anything else your inner child desires.

Will there be support?

There will be a Facebook Group for support and sharing between calls.

Witnessing each other is important and powerful.

What kind of set up do I need?

Whatever calls to you and your child - cuddly toy, a soft blanket, a favourite book or poem,  


We will use zoom as most people are familar with it

Do I need privacy?

You might want privacy for this workshop and to be somewhere without being disturbed by children. You might want to schedule time afterwards to be still and loving with yourself.


Recordings will go up on the website and there for you forever.

The stars, planets, and moon are aligning–for you.